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I am a web developer for more than 10 years !

I get in touch to fully understand your need.

After collecting your expectations, I set up a detailed estimation and explain all various steps

I choose the most appropriate open-source technology, I bring you all my expertise to develop website on just time.

I develop the website by validating each step that I undertake.

I perform unit and functional tests to bring you the greatest possible comfort of use.

I deliver website or project entrusted, according to your expectations and always out of the box

I track your future improvement requests and provide you some advice throughout our collaboration.

I follow your growth on all availables channels and medias.

My main assets as Freelance in web development

Open source

Open source

I always suggest the most suitable open-source solution



I bring you my expertise and personalized advice



Your project is always at the cutting edge of technology



You dispose negotiated, full-quality and attractive offers

What is my favorite technical stack


  1. Object Oriented Programming
  2. Design Patterns
  3. Model View Controller


  1. Doctrine
  2. Event listeners
  3. Form validators


  1. Creation / integration templates
  2. Micro-formats
  3. Accesibility


  1. Pre-compilators (SASS, LESS)
  2. Medias-queries (responsive)
  3. Animations


  1. Npm, Webpack, ECMAScript
  2. Vanilla JS (DOM, AJAX, JSON)
  3. React (todo)

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