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W e e n e s t a

I'm a web-oriented solutions freelancer

I create innovative solutions
using open-source technologies

I'm a specific web development specialist

I develop specific web applications using open-source technologies.

With more than ten years' experience in IT, I adapt to your needs and develop from A to Z (Internet Site, Intranet, Extranet, API, Module or Custom Theme...), bringing all the skills required to make them work.

I can help you make the right technicals choices and give you experts and professionals advices.

I develop strong solutions
that are robust and ergonomic.

The right open-source solution for every project

I study the different technical solutions that could coincide with the needs formulated by your project..

With several capabilities, acquired over the last 10 years, I can guide you towards the most suitable open-source solution, or develop a customized one.

Whatever the project, I'll adapt to your needs, create beautiful, ergonomic and responsive interfaces, with organized and SEO-optimized source code.

Do you have a specific web project
or an innovative concept?

Solid web development skills at your disposal

We examinate as one the portability of your concept on the web. I can help you, project leader, in all the technical stages.

I advise you in all technicals steps of your growth and make my best to let you communicate about your project on all available medias

I will propose, if possible, an adapted open-source solution. I contribute to your concept growth by providing you some personalized and informed advices.

Lack of visibility illustration

Does your application suffer from slowness
or need to be optimized?

I can optimize and upgrade your web platform

If your site no longer meets the expectations of Internet users, either graphically or technically, or if your bounce rate is very high or your conversion rate is very low.

Several steps are required to redesign a website, but these can be done separately.

As an expert in web development and the Symfony Framework, I can help you with all the technical tasks involved in a redesign.

Corporate website illustration

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